Using Figs for medicinal purposes!

Figs are a superfood! Sure you can buy dried figs year-around, but nothing taste better than when their local and fresh! Figs are extremely high in fiber, vitamin B6, copper, potassium, manganese, and pantothenic acid, and very low in calories. … Continue reading Using Figs for medicinal purposes!

Adventures at Pinecrest

Pinecrest was just the start of many adventures to come. I overcame a lot of fears on this trip; scaled a 12-15 ft boulder right above a rushing waterfall, climbing mountains and reached an elevation of 9,000, and for once just explored the beauty of the outdoors. The only problem was I had minimal gear, and I realized how important having the right gear (doesn’t have to be the most expensive and up-to-date), just the right gear to make it in the mountains and anywhere else that’s off the grid. I had no sleeping bag (it was freezing at night), … Continue reading Adventures at Pinecrest