Check out The Friendly Fig, they’re pretty friendly…

I’m so excited that I was able to collaborate with The Friendly Fig on this Swap & Share, I truly think my followers, clients, friends, and family who follow my blog will truly benefit from seeing how they have transitioned into Veganism and how it has truly improved not only their health, but also the overall benefits of living a healthy & happy life, guilt-free!

“Hi everyone! We’re Bianca and Sara from The Friendly Fig, a vegan and lifestyle blog. We are excited to be featured on here, as we are huge fans of Makayla!”


The Friendly Fig is an amazing blog featuring not just delicious vegan recipes, but fashion post, and just everyday life adventures. During this Swap & Share I mainly spoke with Bianca, but Sara is also a contributor to The Friendly Fig.


How long have you been a Vegan, when did you start, and why?

I adopted a fully vegan lifestyle back in May, so it’s been about 6 months now! I’ve never felt better in my entire life.

My mom is a vegan, and I have always flirted with the thought of it. Honestly… I wish my story was cooler, but one day I just woke up and thought “I don’t want to eat meat anymore.” Thinking I would just do vegetarianism, I watched a ton of documentaries and then said oh okay, never mind, I am going to go vegan. The end.

I never looked back!

Do you stick to plant-based, whole foods, why or why not?

The majority of my diet is of course veggies, fruit, beans, and grains. However, I am quite a sucker for vegan snacks. I know they aren’t great for you, so I keep them as weekend treats 🙂 I actually put together a post on my favorite vegan snacks from Trader Joe’s.

What was the hardest thing you had to overcome when transitioning into Veganism?

For me, the hardest was learning about the not-so-noticeable ingredients. For example, a lot of people may not realize that gelatin is not vegan. There are a ton of ingredients that may not be vegan, and I think the hardest part was learning what to look for. PETA has a great list of animal products to watch out for.

Do you even remember what meat, milk, or eggs taste like?

 I can remember, but ew. It’s funny… I liked it all before, but after you haven’t had it for so long… it just smells horrible. Joe [my boyfriend] will cook eggs in the house and I’ll be disgusted. Same with meat!!

What’s your favorite grocery store to shop at?

Trader Joe’s always!! And here’s my TJ’s grocery list.

I love that she sticks to the fruits and veggies that are in season. 🙂 

Compared to how you use to eat (before you were vegan) to now that you are vegan, are you spending more, less, or the same amount of money when grocery shopping?

 Definitely less! Beans and lentils cost a lot less in bulk than meat and diary. It’s a common misconception that veganism is more expensive, cause I certainly do not find it that way! It may seem like you are shopping more because you buy fresh fruit and veggies each week, but if you take a look at all the processed snacks and crap at Stop & Shop… they are expensive!!

What’s your all time favorite meal to eat? I know this may be difficult to pinwheel pizzachoose just one. 

All time favorite? Ooohhh this is such a tough one!! I have so many favorites. I already mentioned burritos in my favorites below, so I’ll have to go with vegan pizza. I make this amazing Pinwheel Pizza…not only is it pretty to look at, but so good!!!

What’s one thing you would tell someone that is struggling with the transition of going vegan?

Watch the documentaries. Just watch them! I know, it is so hard. I bawled my eyes out during the factory farming scenes. But I’m glad I did. Because then you know, and then you see. Once you see, it is hard to go back. The hard facts are a good reminder as to why you are flirting with veganism. It definitely helped me, and pushed me from vegetarian to veganism.

The Fun Stuff: 

Nickname: B

Age: 25

Favorite color: It goes back and forth between green and blue 🙂

Favorite meal (before you were vegan): Macaroni and Gravy – Sunday in an Italian household!

Favorite meal now: Any sort of burrito – breakfast, lunch, or dinner!

Favorite book: Of all time? Jane Eyre // Currently? Gone Girl and Divergent Series // Guilty Pleasure? Twilight Saga (I love reading!!) I just completed my own novel, too!

Favorite movie: Star Wars Trilogy!! ❤

Favorite food related documentary: Vegucated

Favorite food related book: The Kind Life by Alicia Silverstone

Favorite State/City: I really do love good ‘ol RI!vacd

Favorite place to vacation: Disney World ❤

Favorite fitness related activity to partake in: Hula hooping!

Favorite vegan substitute type of meat/brand: Tempeh forever

Favorite vegan dessert (link to recipe please): Currently my vegan apple cider donuts!

Favorite recipe on the Fit Farmer blog: Veggie Stir Fry!! Cause I am a veggie feign. LOL

Favorite Vegetable: Cauliflower

Favorite vegan awareness, or support site: Food Matters & PETA

I hope you enjoyed hearing about Bianca and her journey to veganism! Thinking about starting your journey to living a healthy and happier life, today is the perfect day! And there’s so many resources to keep us motivated, informed, and excited about making the change!


If you would like to do a Swap & Share with me, please email me at 

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